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Vol 1 Ch 1 | Erogenous Esthetic By Succubus Girls

“Oh, astaga. Jadi itu yang terjadi? … Kasihan sekali. Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya, Koshigaya Kazuki-san.”

Wanita berambut hitam mengatakan itu sambil menatap kearahku dengan rasa simpati terlihat dari matanya dan senyuman yang menenangkan terpancar dari bibir lembutnya.

(Mengapa aku mengatakan hal ini padanya?)

“Tempat ini” adalah sebuah kafe mewah yang dibangun didekat stasiun kereta.

“Hal yang sedang kubahas” adalah mengenai penolakan dari seorang gadis yang merupakan temanku, kami sudah saling mengenal sejak masih anak-anak.

Dan “orang ini” adalah seorang wanita muda yang baru saja ku temui dan aku pun tidak tahu nama wanita ini.

(Sebenarnya, aku baru tahu namanya...)

Aku melihat kearah kartu pengenal yang dia letakan di atas meja. Itu menjelaskan siapa nama wanita ini.

(Sakuma Karen-san…umur tidak tercantum.)

Itu yang tertulis, dia terlihat seperti berumur sekitar 20 an atau lebih. Bau harum aroma parfum yang tercium olehku, aku berpikir bahwa dia mungkin sekitar 30 an. Tapi melihat kulitnya yang terlihat awet muda dibawah makeup tipisnya, bisa dikatakan dia seperti baru saja melewati masa remajanya.

(Kupikir itu dikarenakan oleh pekerjaannya... lagipula dia itu kan seorang ahli kecantikan.)

Jika penampilannya tidak memenuhi kriteria tertentu, dia mungkin tidak bisa mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pelanggannnya. Oleh karena itu, dia memiliki penampilan yang sempurna untuk seorang ahli kecantikan.

Rambut hitam mengkilapnya yang panjang itu diikat dan sebagian ujung rambutnya yang indah itu tergantung melewati satu matanya. Arah pandangan matanya agak dimiringkan, tapi itu tidak memberikan kesan kasar sama sekali. Sudut matanya tergantung begitu indah, dia terlihat sangat cantik.

Kulitnya yang putih hampir menyerupai porcelain dan kontras dengan rambut hitamnya.Namun bibirnya yang menggoda dan feminim membuatku tidak bisa melepaskan pandangan dari senyumannya itu. Tahi lalat kecil didekat mulutnya sangat membuat dia terlihat lebih seksi dan aku merasa tubuhku mulai memanas setelah melihat bagian itu walaupun hanya untuk beberapa saat.

“Apa ada yang aneh?”

“———! T-tidak, jangan khawatir…ha, ha ha ha…”

Karen memperhatikan pandanganku dan memiringkan kepalanya. Sikap yang tampak sepenuhnya alami malahan membuat dia bertambah lebih manis. Jadi nampaknya dia sungguh tidak mengetahui kenapa dari tadi aku memandanginya.Aku mulai tertawa canggung dan dia merespon dengan tersenyum serta menyilangkan kakinya yang berada dibawah meja.

(…Kaki-kaki indah itu berada dibawah meja ini…)

Gadis yang merupakan teman dari sejak aku masih kecil sudah menolak permintaanku untuk mengajaknya menjadi pacarku. Aku berlari ke tempat ini dengan terburu-buru, lalu aku termenung sambil duduk di kafe ini hingga kopi yang ku pesan menjadi dingin... dan kemudian Karen pun datang menghampiriku, aku langsung kembali tersadar saat itu.

Wanita ini mengenakan rok pendek yang ketat dan aroma feminim tercium dari seluruh tubuhnya. kemeja didalam jaket yang dia kenakan terlihat membengkak di sekitar area dadanya. Ukuran dadanya mungkin mampu membuat kancing pada kemeja itu terlepas. Jika dia melepas hanya satu saja kancing pada kemejanya, belahan putih itu mungkin akan langsung terlihat dan aku mungkin bahkan dapat melihat bagian terlarang miliknya. Membayangkan itu membuatku menerima getaran panas ke bagian dibawah perutku dan hasrat pria ini telah membuatku gerah dibalik celanaku ini.

Paha cerah itu tampak dibawah rok pendeknya terlihat bagus dan montok serta menarik perhatian sehingga membuatku ingin sekali memegangnya. Dia mengenakan stoking tipis di kakinya dan sudah kupastikan bahwa ada garter belts terlihat pada pahanya dari dalam rok pendek itu.

Dia tidak terlihat lebih tinggi dariku, tapi dia memiliki bentuk tubuh seorang model. Mungkin karena pengaturan tinggi tempat duduk yang berbeda karena wanita itu melihat kearahku dengan menengadah dari posisi tempat duduknya yang agak rendah. Pandangannya sangat berefek sekali padaku.

(Oh, sial… Aku membiarkan ini terjadi setelah baru saja ditolak…?)

Darah dalam tubuhku mulai bergetar dan mengalir menuju kebagian selangkanganku. Aroma nikmat yang tercium dari udara menyebabkan hidungku berkedut dan menghirupnya.

“Kazuki-san? Apa Kamu baik-baik saja?”

“Eh…? Oh, iya! Aku baik-baik saja, maaf... ini hanya saja… Aku khawatir padamu karena membiarkan sesuatu yang tidak penting membuatku frustasi lalu kemudian Aku terus membicarakan tentang hal itu…”

Aku menjawab dengan rasa menyesal, tapi Karen menggelengkan kepalanya dan tersenyum.

“Jadi Kazuki-san? bisakah Kamu mengatakan padaku, kenapa…um, teman dekat yang Kamu keluhkan ini memutuskan untuk menolakmu? Itu mungkin dapat membuatmu merasa lebih baik.”

“…Ya kurasa. meskipun ini sedikit memalukan.”

Aku sudah mengenal Sudou Juri untuk waktu yang cukup lama dari yang kuingat, sekitar belasan tahun kurasa.

Kami terlahir dari keluarga yang bertetangga, jadi Kami sudah bersama-sama sejak Taman kanak-kanan, Sekolah Dasar dan hingga sekolah Kami yang sekarang. Hubungan Kami tidak berubah banyak sepanjang Kami bersama. Itu terdengar bagus untuk dikatakan bahwa Kami sangat akur, tapi Kami hanya dekat baik pada saat Taman kanak-kanak dan di Sekolah dasar.

(Ya, Aku butuh sebuah kesempatan. Jika Aku memiliki kesempatan untuk merubah hal ini diantara Kami.)

Aku yakin Kami akan tumbuh menjadi lebih dekat jika itu terjadi. Aku tidak tahu apa yang Juri rasakan, tapi tidak mungkin Dia akan membenciku. Kami saling mengunjungi kamar satu sama lain, orang tua Kami berteman dan semua orang disekitar Kami memperlakukan Kami seperti Kami sudah menjadi sepasang kekasih.

Itu benar bahwa Kami memiliki beberapa perbedaaan. Aku hanya berbakat di olahraga dan memiliki nilai yang buruk dalam pelajaran, sedangkan Dia adalah siswa teladan yang berbakat dikedua aspek itu. Tapi Dia akan menolongku dengan pelajaranku bahkan jika Dia mengeluhkan tentang itu.

“Tunggu, apa Kamu mendengarku? Kazuki!”

“Whoa!? Ah, m-maaf… Aku tidak mendengarkan.”

Pikiranku terhentikan oleh suara keras yang terngiang di telingaku dan Akupun menoleh dengan panik yang terlihat dari wajahku. Seorang gadis manis dengan rambut yang dikuncir melihat balik padaku dengan pandangan kesal di wajahnya.

“Jika kau tidak memperhatikan… Bukankah Kamu yang memintaku untuk menolongmu karena kau berisiko mendaptkan pelajaran tambahan.”

“Ya, itu memang Aku... Jadi Aku akan mendengarkan sungguh-sungguh mulai sekarang.”

Aku menjawabnya dengan membungkuk sambil memohon sungguh-sungguh, jadi Juri menghela nafas sembelum kembali duduk di sisi meja bundar disudut lain dariku. Gerakan itu menyebabkan payudaranya berguncang, membangkitkan gairah di dalam diriku.

(…Oh Dewa, apa-apaan pakaian itu!? Itu terlalu minim!.)

Dia mengenakan sutra tipis yang cukup untuk memperlihatkan setiap guncangan dari payudaranya. Itu cukup tebal yang mana membuatku tidak yakin jika Aku menyebutnya tembus pandang, tapi Aku masih bisa melihat lekukan tubuhnya dengan jelas. Pinggulnya yang kencang, payudaranya, dan pantat yang terlihat lembut itu melimpah dengan pesona feminim yang tidak biasanya ditemukan pada seorang gadis pelajar.

Dan karena And due to the unseasonably warm spring, her outfit was sleeveless. That gave him glimpses of her armpits and her bra straps. He had just said he would actually listen this time, but Kazuki’s focus and gaze were already directed toward Juri’s sex appeal and his heart was hammering in his chest.

“How many times do I have to tell you to listen!?”


She swung an eraser down at his face and he felt pain in his nose. He saw Juri giving him a sharper look than before while pointing the tip of a mechanical pencil his way.

“Are you utterly incapable of focusing!? Yet you can’t seem to keep your eyes off of me… What, are you in love with me or something?”

The mischievous grin on her lips showed she was only teasing him. She probably hadn’t noticed his feelings, so what would happen if he revealed them now?

(…Oh, I get it… This is the chance I wanted…)

Kazuki’s eyes opened wide as he felt like he had been struck by divine revelation. They were alone in his room, she had just asked him about his feelings, and she was wearing super skimpy clothes like she was trying to tempt him. All of that gave his feelings an extra push, so he opened his lips.

“…Yes, I am.”

“Just kid-…what?”

To break the long silence, Juri started speaking in a joking way, but his response coincided with it. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed.

“Wh-what did you just say…?”

“I said…I am. I…love you, Juri. I have for a long time!”

He leaned over the table and stared straight into her eyes. However…

“————Ah…Oh, I see…”

Despite his expectations, her response was heavy and full of hesitation.

(Wait…eh? No…don’t tell me…)

Nerves filled his heart. At the same time, he remembered the differences between them. It was true there were better looking guys in their year who were good at both sports and academics just like her. It made perfect sense that she would fall in love with one of them instead of him.

“Uh…u-um, Juri…”

“Sorry! Wait just a moment. I’ll…I’ll give you an answer.”

He tried to smooth this over, but she cut him off. And after a few seconds of silence – that felt like a lot longer – she finally answered.

“Sorry… Um, I appreciate the thought, but…I don’t think that would work…”

He felt the shock and pain of a frying pan to the head and also felt like a knife had pierced his heart. Even so, he managed to ask a question while holding his aching head and heart.

“Why…would be a weird question…I guess. But if there’s a reason, could you tell me…?”

“Hmm… There’s nothing specific. It just doesn’t feel right…”

She did not give him much of an answer, but she must have felt bad about that because she took a deep breath, faced directly toward him, and spoke in a dignified manner.

“The way you look at me sometimes…it really scares me.”


“Your voice is shaking… You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

She pointed out how flustered he was and peered into his eyes.

(Are you serious? Juri noticed that?)

It was true that he would sometimes…no, quite frequently look at her in a sexual way like before. He would even masturbate thinking about her, so he knew he was as awful as she claimed.

And he was aware his sex drive was a lot stronger than the other boys his age. So when his childhood friend indicated she knew he had treated her as a sexual object, he felt shame along with the panic and fear that she knew.

“…But you’re still okay…being alone with me in my room?”

“Well, it can be scary…but I don’t really think you would actually do anything to me.”

That too was true. He was as reasonable and moral as the average person. More importantly, he did not want to do anything that would hurt Juri. So he would not force himself on her or be tempted by any criminal acts.

Yet she had still rejected him…because he scared her.

“…Then I’ll be more careful from now on. And…I swear I’ll treat you right…”

He knew this was pathetic and that he should know when to call it quits, but he still pleaded with her. But she callously shook her head, turned her blushing face aside, and pointed at something.

“Um, well…uh…that’s a little hard to believe with that tent in your pants…”


She was definitely pointing at his crotch. Specifically, at the lewd bulge there that clearly showed the shape of the erection that had grown as he leered at her before.

“No…d-don’t take this the wrong way! I really mean what I said!”

Without thinking, he reached for her arm and tried to grab it. Juri must have reacted sharply to that action because she yanked her arm back with incredible reaction speed.

“Dah! What’s the right way of taking that!? Don’t touch-…kyah!”

Kazuki’s hips rose up as he grabbed her retreating elbow, so he was pulled further forward and lost his balance. At the same time, she could not pull her body back because of his hand on her arm and she fell on her butt. The impact caused a nearby bookcase to wobble and then something came pouring down on them.

“Ow ow…Wait, Kazu…ki!?”


The objects scored a direct hit on both Kazuki and Juri, but he found his vision entirely blocked after the fall and he could not see what they were. Also, he found it very hard to breathe and his face was surrounded by an oddly stuffy smell and a soft sensation.

“~~~~~~~~~~~~!! Die, you perv!”


He was hit by what may have been a kick. He still had no idea what had happened, but a tremendous blow hit his gut and he was knocked over onto his back. At the same time, Juri shot to her feet, snatched up her things, and ran out of the room.


He held his gut while he stood up and looked around the room. Only then did he notice that the adult DVDs and BD cases were scattered around where Juri had collapsed instead of stacked on top of the bookcase. The genres were too many to list: busty, schoolgirl, molester man, molester woman, prostitute, etc. He was honestly impressed by his own collection.

“Wait, this is not time for that! Hey, please wait, Juri!”

He frantically ran from his room and tried to catch up to her.

“I see… But you lost sight of her, she had not returned home…and you went out into the city looking for her.”

Karen took a sip of tea to wet her throat.

“Yes, that about sums it up. But…it’s midday on the weekend, so it’s so crowded…”

He had of course tried calling, but she would not answer. He had no idea where to go, so he had entered this café and Karen had spoken to him just as he had finished working through his feelings.

“I thought you were trying to recruit me for something weird…like a cult.”

“Oh? But an esthetician is fine?”

The smiling woman’s kindness had helped him get out his worries and she had soothed his hopelessly depressed mood just a bit.

“Ha ha. Not necessarily…but, Kar-…Sakuma-san, the place you work is visible right over there. It’s quite well known.”

He pointed out the window at MONM, the beauty salon she worked at. It had a clean but grand feel to it, so you could just tell it was a luxury salon.

“That is true. It is because so many customers use our services that we can keep our salon on the main street near the station.”

“It’s incredible. And you’re the chief esthetician there? …Is it pronounced Mon-em?”

“Yes. The MON means ‘my’ and the M can mean mademoiselle, madame, or monsieur. Whichever one it is, it is meant to show the founder’s desire to welcome our valued customers.”

She rattled off the answer in a way that showed she had said that line countless times at the salon. She took her esthetician job seriously enough to explain that on reflex, so Kazuki felt bad for thinking she was from a sketchy cult or selling jars.

He bowed his head in apology, but she waved her hand and had him raise his head.

“Hee hee. I don’t mind. When someone talks to someone in your state, it usually is someone devilish trying to take advantage of someone’s weakness, so I can’t blame you.”

“No, I did say ‘I’m not interested in what you’re peddling’ when you first approached me. Um…this probably isn’t really enough for an apology, but please let me pay for your drink.”

He reached for her check, but her slender white fingertips gently stroked across his hand as if to soothe him.

“—————! Ah…um, Sakuma-san…?”

“You can call me Karen. More importantly, I want to hear more about you, Kazuki-san.”

Her plump and smiling lips moved slowly to form the words and his focus was naturally drawn to them instead of her fingertips. Once he let go of the check, she nodded, pulled her arm back, and lightly intertwined her fingers in front of her breasts which were resting on the table.

“B-but I couldn’t possibly bore you with more of my nonsense…”

“Hee hee. Then what if I ask for this as your apology? I am taking a late break and I have some time to kill…so I would appreciate it if you helped me fill it. Okay?”

The cute way she tilted her head on that last word filled Kazuki with ecstasy and he could not possibly say no.

“Thank you very much… Now. let’s see.” Karen thanked him and began speaking while he settled back down on the sofa. “This childhood friend…Juri-san was it? She said you scare her, but if you ask me, it is perfectly normal for a boy to be interested in girls that way and to collet dirty videos and games.”

“Ah…w-well, yes… But isn’t that only how boys see things?”

He was caught off guard by her sudden statement, but he somehow managed to respond. It was boys who said that was normal for boys and, whether it was normal or not, teenage girls would probably be afraid to some extent when they had those feelings directed their way.

But Karen shook her head, leaned forward to move her face in closer, and smiled.

“I like that kind of…dirty boy. In fact, I wouldn’t have them any other way.”

The moment he heard those words, his entire body began to tingle like there was an electric current running through him. What boy would not be turned on when such a sexy young woman said something so seductive? He revealed his arousal by gulping, but true to her word, Karen did not seem to mind his behavior. In fact, she seemed pleased and gave him an alluringly heated look.

“Um, this might not be the most political way to put it…but would it be correct to say you are filled with such powerful sexual desire that it drives away girls your own age?”


She spoke politely, but that was a harsh question and bitterness covered his face.

“Well, yes… I would say mine is fairly powerful…”

“How many times a day do you do it? Oh…and you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

“…Probably…3 times…at least.”

An incredibly beautiful woman was asking him the kinds of questions found in porn interviews. He was confused about what was happening, but he somehow managed to respond calmly. The unimaginable situation may have numbed his senses.

“Wow❤ Does that ‘at least’ mean…it’s sometimes more?”

Sakuma Karen Erogenous Esthetic By Succubus Girls
Sakuma Karen 

When Karen heard his answer, she gave an even more pleased smile and asked for further information.

“…You promise you won’t be creeped out?”

“Of course,” she assured him, so Kazuki decided to trust her and moved his face closer so he could whisper.

“At most…I’ll do it 8 times in an evening.”

“…Hee hee…Hee hee hee hee. You really are incredible, Kazuki-san…❤”

She seemed to gasp at first, but then she narrowed her eyes and bashfully placed a hand on her cheek. Her eyes wandered like she was thinking about something.

“Yes… I have heard that some boys don’t do it as much if they can relieve their stress some other way, such as sports. Does that work for you?”

“On one of those 8-times days, I helped out the soccer team with a game. But the opposing team brought some cheerleaders and they were really sexy…so I couldn’t help myself.”

He thought he was being too forthcoming, but while Karen’s eyes widened in surprise, she soon nodded happily and finally reached for the bag she had set down next to her.

“I see… Then your powerful sexual desire may be influenced by a physical burden or psychological repression. Resolve that and you might be able to restrain that desire. Plus, your body type and hormone balance will grow more feminine, making you the handsome type girls like. Then again, my tastes are a little different.”

Karen pulled out a piece of paper and spread it out on the table. It was a flier for the beauty salon.

“What is this…?”

“We actually have just such a course at the salon. It is specially designed for men instead of women. To be blunt, it will make you popular.”

At this point, even Kazuki caught on: this was a sale’s technique.

(It figures. A beautiful woman like this wouldn’t talk about these sexual things if she wasn’t trying to get my money.)

He was a little disappointed, but he was still thankful because he did feel better after getting all that off his chest.

“Um, I’m sorry…but as you can see, I’m just a poor student. I don’t really have the money for something like that.”

He would feel bad if he refused after she went through her whole sales pitch, so he rejected her up front. However…

“Oh, my apologies. I didn’t explain myself properly. Um, while this is part of our business…I am not searching for customers. If anything, I am searching for personnel.”


“Look down at the bottom. It says we are recruiting testers, right?”

Sure enough, that was what it said where she pointed.

“We opened up this new course, but it has not been very successful… Everyone we speak to is hesitant to try it. So we thought we could get some people to try it out as a trial run and have them advertise it.”

“So if I accept this trial run…I would have to talk about my experience?”

“Yes. You will be paid a tester’s fee and, as a bonus, you will receive a free pass for the salon during the testing period.”

In other words, she had spoken to him because she was trying to recruit part-time workers.

“Well, we would really want you to talk about how it made you popular, but that will have a lot of variation between individuals, so your report will be focused on how it felt and how your overall condition changed afterwards. Oh, and the tester’s fee you will receive varies depending on the number of tests you participate in, but it is guaranteed to be at least this much.”

“…Wha-!? Eh? I-is this for real!?”

The amount was as much as Kazuki received in allowance for a year.

“Um, how much of my time would this take?”

“It would be at least three times a week…and probably about two hours per time. The plan is for you to keep that up for three to six months.”

A simple calculation showed that was more than 1500 yen an hour. And since it only required writing a report after receiving some kind of massage, it was the easiest job imaginable.

(Shit, this sounds great…which makes me suspicious.)

That said, she worked for such a major beauty salon, so would she have any reason to run some kind of scam? Assuming her business card was real, that is.

“You will not be charged anything if you quit partway through. The testing fee is paid per hour, so it simply means you can continue with the testing contract if you wish to. …Just look.”

She pulled out a tablet and brought up the salon’s website. It had an ad for this tester recruitment along with the conditions she had just given.

“Um, the tests would occur in the salon…right?”

“Yes, of course. You would sign the contract there as well, so the owner will be present at the time. You don’t need to worry about that.”

“That” was likely the possibility of a scam. She had taken his concerns into consideration and her expression said she was willing to show him how it worked at any time.

“If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

She fixed her suit’s collar and straightened up once more. It made him think of a job interviewer…not that he had ever had a job interview.

“Then…can I ask one thing?”

He was still suspicious, but that beauty salon’s name helped earn a lot of trust. Also, he did not feel like going back home right now and he did want something to soothe his broken heart after Juri rejected him.

So he looked Karen in the eye and hesitantly asked his question.

“Would it be possible…to try out this tester job…for just the day?”

He thought he was asking too much there, but they must have been really hurting for testers. Karen nodded without a moment’s hesitation. She told him to leave it to her and pulled on his hand.

From there, things moved quickly.

Karen really did take Kazuki to the MONM salon. She used some kind of employee ID to use the employee entrance, she showed him the lobby, they greeted the receptionist, and she showed him to an office where she said the owner was waiting.

Unfortunately, the owner was not there, but Karen and the woman working in the owner’s stead handled Kazuki’s paperwork. They reviewed the explanation Karen had given before, he was shown the usual contract, they typed up a new tester’s contract document for that day only, and Kazuki signed it. It was made so he could request a full contract if he wanted to continue with the testing.

After that, Kazuki was taken to the spacious treatment room in the beauty salon’s upper floor. But once it became time for the treatment, Kazuki found himself facing an even greater trial than he had expected.

“U-um, Karen…-san? Are you sure about this…?”

“Sure about what? This is the beauty treatment for the course you will be testing.”

But he could not just accept that.

After all, he had taken a shower and then changed into the swimsuit prepared for him. Simply put, those shorts were all he was wearing. Also, he was lying face-up on a bed while swimsuit-wearing Karen embraced him and wrapped her arms and legs around him to press tightly against him.

(Th-th-this…this can’t be real!)

Kazuki was already frozen in place by shock and tension. But this was a treatment, so Karen would have to move as the esthetician.

“Hee hee. I can feel how tense you are. But please relax, okay?”

“Oh, uh…I’m not sure tense is quite the right word…”

There was a part of him that had grown quite stiff from something other than tension. He wanted to keep that from touching her, but he could not pull his hips back while lying on the bed. As a result, Karen’s body pressed tightly against his erection while it throbbed with his pulse.

“Yes, not to worry… A lot of our male customers end up like that, so do not let it bother you. And it shows me that you were telling the truth about your wonderful virility…right?”

She giggled in his ear and began rubbing her entire body against his, producing a sticky sound. She had rubbed a special lotion oil into his skin, so a sweet aroma filled the air when their skin rubbed together.

(And that’s not all. It’s so sticky and she’s rubbing all over me…)

Her body, fingers, arms, and legs rubbed all across his body, but the lotion made it all very smooth and he felt incredible pleasure with every little movement. Also, Karen wore a very revealing bikini. Her exposed skin was as pleasantly smooth as silk or porcelain and that sensation wrapped around his entire body.

“Ah…you just relaxed, didn’t you? Then stay like that. Take a deep breath…”

She whispered in his ear, her hot breath tickled is earlobe, and a damp sensation slid into his ear. His body jerked and twisted on its own, like he was trying to escape some restraints.

“Ah, stop that. Struggling will only lead to a fall…hee hee.”

Did she mean he would fall off the bed or she would fall off of him? He did not know, but he came to a stop regardless and she used him like a body pillow once more. She also held his hips with her long legs and began rocking her hips forward and back.

“Uuh, khhhh…oh, ahhh…”

“Ahn…hee hee hee. Feel free to let out your voice… In fact, letting it out loooots and loooots will help you calm down and heat up your body…which is perfect for this beauty treatment…”

When he heard that, he felt more at ease with the idea and his throat and lips seemed to loosen. The movements of her hips and fingers elicited moan-like groans and his body kept twitching. Needless to say, the bulge at his crotch had not settled down. It was even bigger and about to explode.

“Wait…um…what kind of…beauty treatment…is this?”

“By working the lotion oil into your entire body, your skin will have more moisture and your cells will be more active. And the oil’s ingredients will warm up your body and soul to help you relax, which will increase the effectiveness of the later treatment. …Now, shall I continue?”

Instead of just her hips, she began moving her entire body back and forth, rubbing the entire surface of his body with her own. She wore a swimsuit, but it was made from so little fabric it might as well have been underwear. With only the most important bits hidden, her large breasts squashed against him and he felt their softness moving from his chest to his stomach.

“Hwahhh! Ah, hahhh…ngh, kwohhh…”

Her crotch was also barely covered and it rubbed from his hips on down. Whether due to the oil or her body heat, he could clearly feel the heat of her soft crotch even through the fabric and his hips trembled at the feeling of it rubbing across his hips, thighs, knees, and shins.

“Um, Karen-san… This is a beauty salon, right? Um…you do have female customers, right!?”

“Yes, of course. You saw them in the lobby, didn’t you? Why do you ask?”

“Well, um…”

He was thinking that they would get charged with indecent assault if they performed this treatment on women, and it must have shown on his face. Karen smiled and lifted her upper body. She placed her knees on either side of Kazuki’s body and sat straddling his hips. Sticky, milky-white strands connected them and her body glistened from the lotion.

“As I said earlier, this treatment is unique to this course and it differs from the treatments in the general course for women. But no matter the course, if the customer says they are uncomfortable, we will change or end the treatment.”

She said that while holding onto his sides and rubbing her lotiony fingertips on him so she would not fall off. Each movement of her fingers caused him to reflexively twist around, so her body swayed while straddling him. This caused the large breasts contained in her tiny swimsuit to dance seductively, stimulating Kazuki’s male lust even more.

“Kh…nh, ahh…”

“Oh, does this tickle? Well, you shouldn’t mind as much when I am pressed against you. …But, Kazuki-san, you have a nice, muscular body. I can see why a sports team would ask for your help. …Oh, excuse me.”

Karen seemed to be enjoying herself as she continued to stickily rub his sides, but she finally stopped moving her hands, leaned her upper body down again, and moved her face in close. The breasts contained in the swimsuit’s cups were pulled down by gravity, elongating their shape and softly deforming the cleavage between.

He could not help but stare at that dream-like sight, but Karen laughed, moved her body closer as if to hide her chest from view, and placed her face right in front of his.

“If you find this uncomfortable, we can end the treatment here. It has been less than an hour, so we will be unable to pay you…but if you say to stop, I will.”

“Nn, ghh…ghhhh!?”

Her hands slid down from his sides, stroked his thighs, circled around to his inner thighs, and moved up inside the swimsuit so just her fingertips tickled the base of his thighs.

“Tapi jika Kau lebih memilih untuk melanjutkannya... jangan malu untuk memberitahuku.”

Dia meniupkan nafas hangat kedalam telingaku dan pinggangku tersentak keatas.

“Ahhhh…ah, lan…lanjutkan…kumohon…lanjutkan…”

“Dengan senang hati❤”

Tawa riang dan jawaban yang terngiang ditelingaku kemudian Dia melingkarkan lengannya disekitar area leherku. 

“Hey, Kazuki-san… Maaf jika ini terdengar kasar, tapi pernahkah seorang wanita melakukan ini padamu?”

Pertanyaan yang tiba-tiba membuatku meragukan pendengaranku. Tapi sebelum Aku bisa menjawabnya, suaranya yang manis lanjur berbicara sementara pantatnya yang terbalut baju renang bergesekan dengan perutku.

“Hal ini tentunya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan popularitasmu dengan wanita... dan fokus utamanya untuk melatih pikiranmu untuk lebih percaya diri.”

“L-lebih percaya diri? Apa maksudnya itu?”

“Tepat seperti kedengarannya. Jika Kamu bertindak linglung dan tidak yakin pada dirimu sendiri disekitar wanita, mereka akan memandang rendah dirimu atau setidaknya merasa kecewa.”

Itu memang masuk akal, tapi itu nampaknya sungguh tidak cocok dengan situasiku.

“Um, seperti yang Aku katakan padamu, masalahku adalah dengan teman dekatku yang mana-…”

“Ya, Yes. You probably are accustomed to communicating with the opposite sex. But…that is not the only part of the equation. For example, you grow sexually aroused because you are not accustomed to their atmosphere, smell, and touch. So to teach you control, I must expose that ugly and unrestrained part of your and draw it out.”

Did that mean his problem was that he had no sexual experience? But Karen seemed to read his mind and her laughter rang out again.

“Hee hee… Whether you are a virgin or not is not the issue. Even the biggest womanizers often stare rudely at women. What you need is the willpower to remain a gentleman at all times. That is the kind of confidence I am talking about.”

“I-I see… Hgh, kwohhh!?”

Just as he had relaxed while listening to her, her sharp finger pressure reached his shoulder and neck.

“Found it… Do you know where this is, Kazuki-san? The reason your body is so tense is because of all the exhaustion built up here…but if I go like this…”


He more or less screamed, but not because of pain or suffering. It was a pleasure so great it seemed to hit him on an instinctual level. It was a lot like having his lack of sleep cleared away, his stiffness loosened up, and his cramped muscles healed. It was the pleasure of his body returning to normal.

“See? By pressing and rubbing against you, I can find these areas. …So just let me gradually loosen up the exhaustion throughout your body. Please just relax. This is your first day as a tester, so you need to fully experience what a beauty treatment is.”

“I…hhh, nkhhh!”

With a sticky sound, her palms and fingertips slid up and down his body, rubbing along his back, armpits, chest, and stomach. At times, she would apply extra pressure to a certain area and the stimulation would sink deep into his body.

(Hh…khh! What is…this? It feels…so good.)

Until coming here, he had thought beauty treatments were meant to shape you up, pretty up or moisturize your skin, provide anti-aging, etc. But this treatment was not about that outward beauty. It was about inward beauty and the most important thing to a human: their health.

“Nn, hh… What…do you think? The other male customers I have done this for…rated it…quite highly… There!”

Each time she applied pressure, she would take a breath and those bewitching breaths shook her voice. That allure and the pleasant stimulation to his body gradually relaxed his tension. And as his mind relaxed along with his body, his nerves felt something else instead.

“Ah…K-Karen-san, wait…stop, stop!”

He had gone limp down to the tips of his fingers and toes and he entrusted himself to her touch, but he also felt a trembling throbbing in his lower stomach. He gasped and cried out to stop Karen. However…

“…? But we’re so close to done, so can’t I finish up? …Ah.”

“Khh…hh, ah…ahh…”

He was unable to stop her in time, so Karen noticed something and came to a stop. Her thighs and butt were straddling Kazuki as she applied pressure with her fingers and worked her way down. With her last scoot back, her butt had crushed a hard and erect part of his body.

(Oh, no… And after she warned me…)

He remembered her telling him it was important to restrain his sexual arousal. But it was too late and she shook her butt up and down a few times as if to confirm what was there. She applied pressure to his curved penis and rubbed her soft flesh against it.

“My apologies. …Come to think of it, you were like this from the very start, weren’t you? It wasn’t quite this big to start with…but is my swimsuit to blame? Or was it the beauty treatment that did it? …Which was it, Kazuki-san?”

“Ah, hh…um…that would be…agh!”

Her shiatsu fingers traced along the grooves of his abs. At the same time, his hips rose up and rubbed the penis head against her butt through the two swimsuits.

“You can’t answer? Then…I will give you the answer…”

She moved her lotiony butt in a circle and it felt like being rubbed with an unbelievably soft hand. The lotion soaked into her swimsuit got all over the flesh rod as well. When the head rubbed against the inside of the swimsuit like that, he could not stop his hips from hopping up or his penis from trembling.

“Your cock got so biiiig and hard…because I touched it❤”


She pushed down his hips and squished his penis below her butt and crotch. His erection swelled out and throbbed as if to push up against her crotch. Feeling the reflexive reaction of the stimulated manhood, Karen smiled mischievously, pressed more of her body weight down, and shook her hips back and forth.

“Fghhhh! Ahh, ah…nhhh…”

A jolt raced up his spine, he arched his back, and he pathetically writhed around. His eyes met Karen’s as they looked down at him, but he could not stand the embarrassment and covered his face with his hands.

(This isn’t good… She’s staring at me…khhhh!)

Even his ears grew red at having her see and hear him writhe and moan in pleasure. But even that was transformed into pleasure and his erection grew and throbbed even more below her crotch.

“Hey, Kazuki-san…you’re so incredibly hard. Look♪”

Since he had not answered her, was she having fun teasing him? She kept her crotch pressed against him and moved her hips like she was trying to rub the lotion on. Even with their swimsuits in the way, this was clearly not a beauty treatment. In the sex industry, this was known as thigh sex.

“Please answer me, Kazuki-san. Did you get so big and hard because it felt good getting all sticky from the treatment? I won’t say that’s wrong, but…hee hee. Aren’t you ashamed you responded this way to something that isn’t even a sex act?”

She sent more and more words his way while gradually speeding up her hip movements and providing more tingling pleasure in his rod. It pierced from the base of his legs to deep within his anus and then soaked warmly into his lower stomach.

“No, I…khhh!”

“No? How can you possibly say that? Hee hee hee hee…”

When he tried to deny it, she sealed his lips with the fingers crawling across his skin. The next thing he knew, she was touching his chest, brushing her neatly-trimmed fingernails against him, and ticklishly rubbing his lotion-covered nipples.

“See? Look how hard these are. Just like your erect cock. They are adorable, but isn’t it embarrassing too? If you get both of these hard, any girl who sees will laugh at you. …Hee hee. Ah ha ha ha ha♪”

(Stop…please don’t…say that… Gh, kwaaah!)

Each time she laughed at him, he felt so much shame he wanted to just disappear. But at the same time, immense pleasure filled his mind, sent signals all across his body, and made him more sensitive. That was why his nipples grew even harder and his penis grew painfully large as she held it between her thighs and rubbed it.

“Look, Kazuki-san, your cock…is a rock-hard full erection just from a part-time beauty treatment testing job~ If I go like this…nn, hhn…hee hee, and rub it with my butt, it keeps twitching.”

“Uh, hwahhh…why do you…have to…say that…hghh…?”

The mocking laughter and the enjoyment in her voice made it clear she had known…no, been waiting for this to happen. And Kazuki got the feeling this was her true form, not the polite and pure woman from before.

(I-Is Karen-san…actually an S…gh!)

He could not think about it much because the rubbing stimulation to his nipples and penis caused his balls to rise and his semen to well partway up his shaft. His urethra twitched open and closed, clear precum flowed out, and an obscene sound rang out. Even so, he pulled his hips back and tensed his muscles to somehow keep the dam from bursting. It had only been a few minutes since the rubbing began, so if he came already…

(I have to…keep that from…ghh, kwohhhhh!)

Just imagining having this version of Karen mocking him for it turned him on even further…but also frightened him. He tearfully looked up at her and pleadingly opened his mouth.

“K-Karen-san. Please…stop this… I-if you keep going…”

He tried to continue, but when Karen heard him, her lips loosened in a grin and she pressed her upper body against him again.

“Yes, what will happen, Kazuki-san?”

“…Ahh, what…are you…hghhh!”

And this time, she did not move her face away, so she stared straight at him with the sweet breaths from her opened pink mouth reaching his nose. Hit by that thick, nectar-like aroma, Kazuki’s spine trembled with the pleasure of the sweetness filling his nose.

The thigh sex had distracted him, but his attention was returned to her attractive pair of feminine symbols that pressed against his sensitive nipples. Simply feeling those soft and smooth feminine symbols created a wave of pleasure that sent his penis upwards so it slapped against her crotch.

“Nhah…nn, now, now… What a naughty cock you have♪”
Massage Erogenous Esthetic By Succubus Girls
Terapi Salon

To prevent him from doing that, she embraced him tightly, pressed his penis down with her lower stomach, used the lotion as lubricant, and slid her entire body down.

(Owaaaahhh!? Oh, no…I can’t. Ahhh! I can’t hold it back!)

The pleasure from the short strokes of the thigh sex, the caress of his nipples, and the touch of her giant tits had built up Kazuki’s male desire to the limit, so his cry echoed through the room. After being brought to the verge of climax, his penis felt the sticky rubbing of the different types of soft skin from her lower stomach, to her stomach, and then to her breasts. The restraint of his rational mind was easily blown away.

“Hghhhhhhh!? Khwahh, hyahhhhh!”

A dizzying amount of pleasure raced through, his urethra was forced open, and the hot liquid erupted out. His spine tingled from the sense of release and expulsion, his expression melted in ecstasy, and he lifted and pathetically twisted his hips.

(Agh… I-I came. And…I can’t stop…)

He felt bad for reacting to Karen’s treatment like this, but the male desire to seek out this pleasure seemed to have taken control of his instincts. Driven by that stimulation and pleasure, he excused himself with the fact that she was looking down on him and providing the stimulation, and he let his penis explode over and over while growing drunk on the pleasure.

His hands and feet tingled, the color white dyed his vision, and he could not keep this mind functioning from the great pleasure that raced up and down his spine with each throb of his penis. And that pleasure of release was joined by Karen’s fingers flicking, massaging, and stroking his nipples. She treated them like they were penises, so his rod remained swollen even as it scattered so much of the hot liquid inside his swimsuit.

“Kwahh…ah, hahhh…hh…hahh, hahhhh…”

“Nh, ahhh… Incredible, I can feel it throbbing… Your cock juice is exploding inside your swimsuit, isn’t it? I can feel the warmth when I press my stomach against it.”

While Kazuki gasped for breath and trembled, Karen pressed against him and moved her face in close so her pleased voice would ring in his ear. He could no longer sense any of the cruel S behavior from when she was teasing him.

“You tried to resist, but you still came, didn’t you? Hee hee…did it feel good to squirt all of that out there? Ahh, ahh, just look at that melted expression… You look like you had every last ounce of strength drained from you, but you’re still nice and hard here. See…?”

“Ah, ahh! Wait, don’t touch…khhh…”

Karen shifted her body to squeeze the penis head between the back of her bent knee and her palm. That gentle stimulation to the sensitive head was pleasant enough for his hips to tremble and sparks to burst before his eyes.

“So you were telling the truth about masturbating 8 times in 1 day, Kazuki-san. That speedy recovery is an incredibly attractive ability❤”

The erection held behind her knee produced an obscene noise as the semen squished around it. The sticky stimulation inside the swimsuit and the humiliation of having her leg stroke his erection only inspired further arousal, so Kazuki cried out pathetically and thrust his hips upwards.

“Nhh…ahh, hh…um, Karen-san…”

“Yeees? What is it?”

Her smile made his heart skip a beat, but he knew he had to ask.

“Why are you doing this…?”

Her movements had not been a spontaneous thing. She had clearly been sexually caressing and sexually stimulating him in order to make him ejaculate. He did feel bad for his inability to resist, but he set that aside and looked straight at Karen to ask about her intentions.

“Hee hee. Yes, I suppose you would be curious. If you had not been curious, you could have enjoyed the same thing a while longer…but since you asked, I will explain.”

She was lying alongside Kazuki and embracing him on the bed, so she began talking by his ear like this was their pillow talk.

“First…do you remember what I said about girls not liking it when you revealed your arousal toward them? That was half true…but half a lie.”

“Eh? But I…”

He started to say he had been rejected over that, but she placed a finger on his lips so he could not argue.

“It is perfectly natural to think that is the case…but feminine nature is not that elegant a thing. Both boys and girls…no, girls especially are sexual beings that think with their crotches, love sex, and love pleasurable things❤”

He was dumbfounded by her frank statement and he felt dizzy. But her expression made it clear she was not saying this to demean women. In fact, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glancing down at the swollen erection she was gently stroking with the back of her right knee.

“When we make a boy hard, it makes us happy…and we want to get him off, Kazuki-san. And the more someone claims to dislike it, the greater the libido they are hiding deep in their heart.”

He wanted to express his disbelief, but it was all so shocking that he forgot how to speak. Her knee stroked up and down his penis, the bottom of her foot rubbed his thigh, and her fingertips pinched and pulled on his nipples. The stimulation elicited a sweet cry and his hips hopped up again.

“You’re so sensitive… I bet you’ll give me a whole bunch of cum next time too… Ha ha. Like this, I can tell just how hard, hot, and throbbing you are.”

“Ah, hahh…nn, Karen-san…ahn…”

Her hand left his nipples and her leg left his penis, but he only felt disappointed for a moment. A moment later, her lotion-covered palm tightly gripped the erection through his swimsuit and stroked up and down far more roughly but smoothly than with her knee.

“Nrh….slurp, suck…c’mon, make loooots and loooots of cum for me, okay? Hee hee…suck, slurp…”

“Fgh! Nkh, Khh…hwah, ahahhh…”

Her tongue also crawled along his earlobe, dug at his ear like a living creature all its own, provided an obscene noise and seductively hot sensation, and sent a tingling pleasure into the base of his brain.

“Do you understand, Kazuki-san? This is how our salon’s popularity-boosting course works. By working at your inner health and activating your male desire…we can give you a sexual aura and virility that will draw any girl to you, whether they are open or reserved with their own sexuality…”

“You can…really…gh, ohhhhh!”

While stroking it, her fingertips rubbed the head and poked at the urethra, so he moaned loudly.

“I will turn you into an aphrodisiac of a man who inspires arousal in any woman who so much as lays eyes on you… You have the makings of just such a man, Kazuki-san. So please leave it to us…ahm…”

A warm stickiness surrounded his earlobe. She had placed her plump lips around it and her tongue wriggled around to lick at it. The sensation made his spine tremble and he could not help but lift his hips and thrust his crotch up high. However…

“Hee hee hee hee. Not yet. Noooot yet. That will have to wait, Kazuki-san.”

“Ah…ah, ahh, please…khh…”

Her hand left his rod and forcibly stopped his mind from continuing toward climax. His penis twitched, but he desperately forced down the urge to ejaculate as it did so. If he was going to cum, he wanted this pretty and kind young woman to gently guide him there. He could not resist that desire.

“Hee hee. Good boy. …Now, what to do? Girls love sex, but we also love having boys rely on us. If you ask cutely enough, I might just get you off however you want…hee hee, ee hee hee hee♪”

With that, she traced her finger down the bottom of his erection, poked at the base, and gently massaged the trembling balls.

“Ah, hahhhh! Agh, ah, I’m…going to cum…”

“Nooot yet❤ Now, should I make you squirt it out with my hand? Or…”

She pressed even closer against him and her large breasts pressed against his chest from the side.

“Do you want me to use these tits? Oh, or maybe you would like me to use my mouth.”

This time, she sat up and moved her opened mouth toward his face. The saliva-wet flesh inside glistened and sweet and heated breaths flowed out, as if to give him a taste of the melting sensation inside. When he breathed in though his nose, her scent permeated him from his nose to his lungs and he felt like even more semen was rising from his balls as she massaged them.

“Nee hee hee hee… Ifh I hicked hoo and shucked hoo hike thish…hoo’d hum in no hime…”

She smiled almost bashfully, but she made no attempt to close her mouth and moved her tongue around in front of his eyes. When she scooped up some saliva and let it drip down, the syrupy liquid foamed up in her mouth. It inspired Kazuki’s male desire to know what it tasted and felt like and to smell it even more. His racing heart was one thing, but it was his trembling penis that demanded his instincts succumbed to the temptation of those lips.


When he called her name, she tilted her head to get him to say more.

“Your mouth…agh, use…use your mouth…please!”

“Hm~~~~? Nkh, ahh…to do what?”

She played dumb, but she had to know exactly what he meant. After all, she was grinning while opening her lips again and moving her tongue around.

“C’hon…hay what hoo hean…”

Each time she talked while wiggling her tongue around, sweet saliva dripped down and splattered on his nose. While still thrusting his hips up, Kazuki gulped and forced out a trembling voice once more.

“U-use your mouth…to s-suck my…to give me a blowjob!”

Speaking that pathetic request out loud made him blush out to the ears with shame. But when Karen heard him, she narrowed her eyes happily and drew a seductive curve with her lips.

“Nh…hee hee. Why?”

“Eh? …Um, w-well…ahhh! B-because…”

“Tell me? What will happen if I give you a blowjob?”

She stuck out her tongue and let saliva drip from the tip and onto his nose and lips. Down at his lower stomach, her fingers slipped into his swimsuit and directly poked at his balls, filling him with a melting pleasure. The breasts pressed against his chest rubbed against his nipples and sparks seemed to flash before his eyes.

“I-I’ll cu-…hghh, kwahhh! Karen-san, please…”

“Um, what did you say? I couldn’t quite hear you…hee hee.”

She pressed her body closer, rubbed her squished boobs against his skin, and created a tingling pleasure. The intense temptation swept away his reason and shame and his burning male desire rose up in its place.

“I-I’ll cum! I want to cum! Please make me cum, Karen-san! Ahh, my dick! Suck my dick and make me cum!”

“Hee hee. Okay…if you insist❤ For your special treatment…I’ll use my mouth to take care of this disobedient and erect cock♪ Let’s start with a greeting…nhah…”

When he succumbed to temptation and made his pathetic request, Karen’s smile grew all the more lewd, sadistic, and yet beautiful. As he stared at that smile, she suddenly moved her face down and her sweet-smelling red lips pressed tightly against his mouth.

“Nmh…nnnhhh!? Hh…ngh, hhh…”

He felt the sensation of the soft flesh pressed against his and a warm sticky liquid flowed into his mouth. Then her tongue slid in, stirred up their mixture of saliva, and licked all through his melting mouth.

“Nn…suck, slurp…lick, slurp…nhh…”

(Sh-she’s kissing me…ohhhh! So this is…what a kiss feels like…uuuh!)

She gave off a perfume-like aroma that enveloped his nose, traveled from there to his lungs, and finally seemed to permeate his brain, inspiring male desire. The softness of her lips and tongue ruled his sense of touch and each of their movements caused his crotch to rise on its own.

“Njh, slurp…suck, nbohhh…suck, kph…”

Also, all the saliva flowing from her mouth stickily coated his lips, passed through them with a wet sound, and bubbled up between their tongues. It was so pleasant, he felt a tingling in his brain and his tongue went limp. The sensation of it all flowing back into his throat filled his body with heat.

“Pwah! Hahh, ah, ahhh…”

The intense kiss continued for a dozen seconds if not more, but it finally came to an end. The sweet flavor of her saliva had permeated his mouth and that was enough for pleasure to burst in his brain. The flesh rod contained in his swimsuit hopped and trembled painfully hard and the fabric wrapped around the precum-wet head. Ejaculation was now the only thing on his mind, but because he wanted Karen to get him off, he somehow managed to avoid going off prematurely.

“Hee hee… Good job resisting, Kazuki-san. Good boy♪”

As he tried to get his breathing under control, she gently kissed him and got up. Her skin glistened with lotion, her large breasts jiggled, her legs revealed their long and plump lines, and she twisted her body as if to show it all off.

“Now, it’s time to give this male part of you looooots of love with a blowjob.”

“Nnnnhhh! Ah, hahh…Karen-san…”

She climbed back on top of Kazuki, but she faced the opposite direction from before. She was on all fours with her knees planted on either side of his head, so her face was directly above the bulging crotch of his swimsuit. And above Kazuki’s face was her slit with its obscene shape showing through the thin and stickily wet fabric and a close up of her large and beautiful butt.

“Excuse me… Ha ha♪ There it is: your erect cock❤”

As soon as she pulled the swimsuit down, the air brushed across his penis, telling him it was exposed to her eyes.

“This cock is so incredibly lewd… The veins are bulging out and the head is bright red. Oh, and this smell… Nn, sniff…ahhhhh♪”

“Hgh, ahhh…I can feel…your breath…”

He could tell how close her face was when her heated breaths reached his urethra and sent a tingling and throbbing up into his mind.

“Such a male smell – the powerful aroma of semen…nnhaaahh! No…my pussy is throbbing too! My pussy has been soaked for a while now…”

Sure enough, each time she twisted her hips, the swimsuit worked its way deeper into her pussy lips, an obscenely wet sound came from the gap between those swollen labia, and their fleshy color slipped into view.

(Th-this is…a pussy… That’s Karen-san’s…a woman’s…)

A woman’s sex organ was right in front of him and she seemed to be tempting him to touch it with her behavior and words. The last shred of reason snapped in his mind and Kazuki reached out his hands, grabbed her butt, and stuck his face into that seductive valley.

“Nbh…khhhhh, ahhhh…It smells so good…”

“Nhahhh❤ Come on, Kazuki-san…not so rough.”

But no matter what she said, he could not stop himself. His heavy breathing revealed his arousal, his nose moved back and forth between her butt and slit several times, he used his lips to slurp up the love juices soaking her swimsuit, and he stuck out his tongue to lick her.

(Kwohhhh! Amazing…it’s a sweet and sour flavor…but it’s so lewd and makes my tongue tingle… Shit, it’s like my head is melting…)

As he desperately licked at her private parts through her swimsuit, he produced an extremely obscene and sticky noise. It should have been terribly embarrassing for a woman because it told her just how wet she was, but…

“Hwahh…nnhaaaah! Ahn, yes…you really do have the makings of the ultimate wolf. …I love it♪ I can’t wait any longer. I need a taste of that cock.”

Karen sounded delighted and she opened her mouth wide as if to say it was her turn. Her breaths seemed to produce steam and strands of saliva dripped down as she swallowed his penis head.

“Nn, ahhhhn…nhhh…nmh, slurp…”

“Nmh, ghhhhh!? Kwah, hwahhh!”

With her slit blocking his view, it came as a surprise. Hot and thoroughly melted flesh surrounded his penis, clung tightly to it while licking across it, and finally reached all the way to the base. His brain had been scorched by the seductive aroma and sexual flavor covering his nose and mouth, but as pleasure rapidly rose from his crotch, he could not stop his hips from thrusting up and writhing.

“Hwahhh! Karen-san…this is Karen-san’s mouth…khhh!”

“Nghhh…nh, hhhhn…nmh, hmhh…slurp…suck, slurp…lick…”

When the head bumped into a soft wall, Karen quickly groaned. But she soon recovered and began moving her tongue so that it soothingly licked at the trembling meat stick.

(Aghhhh!? Sh-she’s sucking…my dick… It’s incredible…)

The pleasure was so unimaginably great that he felt silly for rubbing it with his own hand until now. Even the lotiony butt job through the swimsuit or the pressure from her belly or chest could not compare. Her mouth was full of hot and sticky flesh and saliva, so it was a soft and pleasant fleshpot that he would have thought was a vagina if he did not know better. It completely surrounded him from base to tip and produced a lewd sound as it moved up and down.

(Ahhhh…so hot…it’s sticky and wrapping all around me…khhh!)

His sensuality had already been built up from the seduction, the handjob, and the ball massage, so he was brought right to the brink of climax now. It was only the selfish desire to enjoy this pleasure even a moment longer that led Kazuki to clench his fists, teeth, and sphincter to resist it.

“Hee hee hee…npwah, ahh…hee hee hee. Kazuki-saaan…lick…”

His penis was as swollen as could be and could burst at any moment, but it was finally released from her mouth. However, her plump and soft lips remained on the shaft, she spread her saliva up and down it, she made circular motions around the head…and her tongue did all the same things.

“Slurp…I’m impressed you can resist with your cock this rock hard…lick, suck, kiss…hee hee, but how long can you last…?”

With each whisper, her breath wrapped around his penis, making it jerk and twitch even more. Her wet tongue pressed against it and audibly licked all over it. This sweet stimulation was different again from having it sucked or rubbed, so his back hopped up and his hips thrusted up as if he were having sex with the empty air.

“Hee hee hee. Such lewd movements… You really are hopeless. Nhah…ahm…”

“~~~~~~~~~~~~~!? Hh, ngh…kwaaah!”

Instead of teasing him with her tongue and lips, she resumed her intense strokes that made use of her mouth, inner cheeks, and throat. She applied pressure to the entire flesh rod and began rubbing it like that. Her cheeks sucked in to wrap around it. That also tightened her lips around his shaft, so it felt like his penis had turned into a straw used to suck out semen.

But most of all, Karen’s technique was truly excellent, so it felt so good he thought he would lose his mind. She did not mix it with a handjob like often seen in porn. She used only her mouth, her tongue, and the movements of her head to supply endless stimulation that tempted Kazuki to give up his resistance.

“Ahm, hmh, nghh…nhh♪ Suck, slurp…”

Her muffled moans, the slight wet sound coming from between her lips, and the obscene rubbing sound of her sticky flesh assaulted his pleasure nerves via his sense of hearing. Each time he heard those noises, his lower body would relax, his clenched fingers would loosen, and pleasure would surge around his body along with his blood.

(Hghhhh…oh, I-I can’t…hold back…)

He was in no state to suck at her secret slit. His nose was still buried in it, but the sweet and sour female smell enveloped his face and his male instincts converted even that to pleasure while desiring to sexually submit to her.

(Hahh, ahhhhh! Agh, I’m cumming…kh, ahhhhh!)

A surge of electricity raced along his spine and it numbed what little of his dignity remained before shattering it. As soon as he released the sphincter to loosen his urethra, the rising semen raced up and tried to erupt out. And…

“Nnh…nh hee hee…nh, lick, slurp…”

Karen tightened her lips and slid her head all the way down. She also held his balls in her hands and gently massaged them with the perfect touch, as if to force out the semen. The mind-numbering pleasure was accompanied by a hint of sweet pain and his body completely melted.

“Hghhhhh!? Ahhh…I’m, hhh…I’m cumming!”

Sakuma Karen BlowJob
Sakuma Blow
His shout reverberated through the room, he thrust his hips up, and he fired his second ejaculation of the day deep into her throat. The exhilarating feeling of release brought a storm of pleasure far greater than the earlier premature one or even the release after not masturbating for two weeks.

(Ghh…kwah, ah…ahhhh!)

The color white ruled the depths of his mind while his consciousness flew off to who-knows-where and showed no sign of returning. His entire penis became a semen pump, Karen’s sucking and ball massage pushed the cum out, and it spewed out so continuously it felt like a constant stream.

“Nhh…suck, lick…slurp, slurp❤”

Meanwhile, she never stopped moving her head, so her sucked-in cheeks and lips seemed to both rub and massage his shaft. Her tongue moved lewdly around within and rubbed back and forth between the base and tip over and over again. It was a very thorough caress, but her movements were so intense and skilled that his crotch was surrounded by an incredible carnal pleasure that felt like being caressed by countless tongues and fingers.

“Nhhh~~~~ Slurp! Suck, suck, suck, kiss…”

“Khhh! Ah, hahhh…agh, nhahhh!”

Even after he thought he had cummed his balls dry, she continued sucking, his penis continued throbbing, and male desire continued shooting into her hot and melted mouth. But Kazuki had an abnormally high sex drive, so cum continued to simmer deep in his balls and his swallowed cock showed no sign of going flaccid.

“Nnh…nhh…slurp, nhahhh…”

“Kwahhhh…ah, s-sorry…”

Karen released the meat stick from her lips and quietly groaned, so Kazuki apologized even as he moaned with pleasure. He was apologizing for dirtying her mouth, for thrusting deep into her throat, and for still blocking her mouth with his continued hardness. However…

“Ahm, nn…kiss♪ I don’t mind at all…drool…”

She gently kissed the head, stirred up the cum in her cheeks, and got it nice and frothy before slowly swallowing it.

“Nkh, slurp, slurrrrp…gulp♪”

(This is Karen-san…swallowing my…khhh!)

A woman was swallowing his sperm, and it was the one who had so sexually overwhelmed him. His mind had fully given in, but that action rapidly awoke his desire for domination and his penis jumped from renewed arousal.

When he looked up, he saw her large butt obscenely wiggling back and forth and her wet and swollen labia. Driven by animal lust, he reached out to touch that. But…

“Gulp, gulp…nghh, nhhhh!?”

Karen had been happily swallowing the cum, but then she groaned, her body tensed up, and she began to shake as if convulsing.

“Eh? …Karen-san!? What’s the matter!?”

Kazuki was shocked back to his senses and quickly got up out of concern for her. He had never heard of someone choking on semen, but his was thick enough that it was a possibility. Or maybe it was some unrelated issue. As possibilities raced through his mind, he prepared to rub her on the back. But at that very moment…

“It’s…it’s so good~~~~~~~~~~❤”

“…Huh? Wait…ehhhhhh!?”

She forcefully hopped up, held her melting cheeks between her hands, and twisted her body around with a full-faced smile to express how much she liked the semen with both her words and actions. But that was not what had caused Kazuki’s surprise.

“U…u-uh…um, K-Karen-san…what is…that…?”

His arousal from a moment before was entirely gone…no, since his penis remained hard, that could not be true. But the surprise was even greater, so his voice cracked, his body shook, and his eyes widened.

“Eh? Is something the matter, Kazuki-sa-…”

When she tried to turn back toward him, she realized what had happened to her.

“Oh, excuse me… Hee hee, I was careless. Silly me♪”

Her charming smile and sexy bodylines were unchanged. But as she said that and gave a playful wink, her ears had grown pointed and a long, tube-shaped tail had grown from her tailbone and pushed out her swimsuit. And on her back…

“Now you’ve seen my true form…Kazuki-san❤”

Bat-like wings made a flapping sound as they spread wide behind her.
Vol 1 Ch 1 | Erogenous Esthetic By Succubus Girls Vol 1 Ch 1 | Erogenous Esthetic By Succubus Girls Reviewed by R on March 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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